Three Poems

a Revolving door

a Revolving door in unending motion
smacks me as I attempt my way home
where inside I am spun beyond relaxing

here comes another commentary. It has
an affirming lilt that seems halfhearted
You can tell when an expression is twisted
in a lie. I'm familiar with

The way they stay like stains
a Choir a Chorus
I've always wanted to sing on and
for myself. it's hard living hard but
harder to live softly

You did such a good job

You did such a good job
Proving your worth

I looked on with a smile
Someone asked if it was ironic

I'm post-irony baby no degree involved
and what kind of question is that anyway

Intellectual property reigns supreme
in Not my head but yours

You did such a good job
The one time you stepped off the reservation

Jumped to attention at every new sensation
I went weird back to passing but not really

My money's no good there
so Why wouldn't i be condescending
Against a life that hates me

People gesture for me but i walk past. Too tired
Leave before closing or I'm locking you in

Take a hint take care to be in there world
Not just your fantasii

Yesterday’s water

Yesterday’s soggy water...

a Sinking feeling found in folly
of a job done its best to be left
behind disorganized
And the damaging trickle
follows into tomorrow

another person I know might wake dizzy
might be ashamed might not
show up again
or asked to leave and dumped out
and left drying in humid mornings

I dread the conclusion yet’m thirsty
for a specific time to come and go

Corey Qureshi is the author of three chapbooks of poetry. He runs the magazine/reading series/publisher BOXX Press. He lives in Philadelphia. @q_boxo


capital preformation


24 Hours in the Lost House